EcoGay is Multi Generational

Everyone is welcome!

At EcoGay there is a place for everyone, young, middle-aged, old. We all have our function and we all bring options and possibilities to the project. Older men carry a lifetime of wisdom with them. Younger people have a tremendous amount of energy to get things done. Mix it all up with all ages in between and we have a team that cannot loose.

But there’s more. A Permaculture project aims at the long term. Trees planted today need years to become productive. Avocado for example takes 7 years before they flower for the first time. Wood trees might even take a generation to grow big enough. All the earthworks we create can last for hundreds of years if they’re maintained. This EcoGay project is meant to continue long into the future. To make that happen our team needs to constantly rejuvenate itself.

Obviously gay men generally don’t have children, so our land cannot pass on to the next generation through inheritance. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because many kids do not want to follow in their parents footsteps. By making this a community of adults, the people who join do so because they want to, without any pressure or expectation.

The two main aims of EcoGay are to educate people in ecologically sound methods of production and to be a refuge for gay men who rather live on the land than in a city. We want to create a paradise for gays so they can come to be themselves, grow old and pass it on to the next generation. Are you between 18 and still not dead yet and will you be joining us?

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