Great you’re considering an investment in EcoGay! This page gives an overview and presents you with a contact form to tell us about your wishes.
Do you want to own real estate at or around EcoGay? If yes then we offer the following options:
- Become a member of the EcoGay community itself. This is the cheapest option, but you have to be invited to be a permanent member. You can read more about it here.
- Buy a piece of land that we are selling. You can find an overview here.
- Buy a farm close to us if what we offer is not what you want (for example if you want more space or a house already available). We can still help you with a permaculture design and implementation. We can also help you find a good property close to us and make sure you pay the lowest price possible. If it is not too far away we can keep an eye on your property if you’re away or help you manage it.
Do you want to profit from the tourism options we’re building? If yes then:
- You can rent out the house / cabin you own to tourists / visitors
- You can sell services to tourists
Would you like a holiday at EcoGay? If yes, then please check out: sponsor a bedroom, get a holiday.
If your answer to all three above questions was “no” but you like what we do and you want us to succeed, please consider sponsoring our work.
investment inquiry
email form