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Work on EcoGay campgrounds started

We planned the earthworks for the camping to start around 2020. Just before we could get started things got complicated by a sudden panic about a virus. Then also the weather phenomenon La Niña started and lasted for 3 years. La Niña brings a lot of rain to our region and it was impossible to...
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Invest in EcoGay

EcoGay was setup as a gay community movement. Sustainability takes a village to achieve and since that is what we believe we should be aiming for, we were always looking forward to this moment. We worked out all questions we had for the best possible setup of EcoGay and we have the designs clear now....
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Pictures added

We have two main jobs for this year… During the dry period, which lasts mostly until September or October, we need to build. And then when the rains come back we need to plant and seed. We posted some pictures and a bit of a story why our building process looks like it does… You...
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Whip Spider

One of the most bizarre creatures we’ve seen is this whip spider. If you would stretch it out it easily measures over half a meter because of its very long legs. The two front legs are not really legs but sensors, so this typical spider walks on 6 legs instead of 8. They’re not poisonous,...
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pictures added

We added some pictures of all the earth-working we did over the past 12+ months. Slowly the landscape is changing into an edible parkscape. Places to build have been flattened out as well. We have been busy creating future options! See what we did here…

Breaking the silence!

Over the past year we’ve been totally silent on this ecogay website. We went through quite a difficult time and we’re slowly emerging on the other side. This year will be ‘make or break’ for our project. The signs are good, but we’re not there yet. Read about it in our latest article here: Failure...
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Happy New Year!

A small update and some pictures, but first of all happy 2018 to all friends of EcoGay! We received 5 applications for internships so far and we hope for more new friendships this year. At least it’s clear that a growing amount of people manage to find us and take an interest in living with...
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Public Road Fixed… Sort Of

It might sound as a minor thing, but the city finally fixed the public road to the farms around here, sort of. The last time it was properly done was 4 years ago. To keep the dirt roads around here in proper condition they need maintenance once a year and an overhaul every two years....
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Newborn Piglets

Our sow gave birth to new piglets on Tuesday. We expected a nest of about ten, but only three came out. One of them was a stillborn piglet, so there are just two left. A disappointment in one way, sort of a relief in another way because we were not ready to house another big...
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